Events: 2024
January Events:
1st: New Years Day "CLC Closed"
February Events:
1st: KCS Preschool On-Line Enrollment Application
14th: Valentine Celebration
26th-March 1st: Dr. Seuss week

March Events:
Feb 26 - 1st: Dr. Seuss Week
15th: St. Patricks Day Celebration "wear green"
22nd: Easter Egg hunt at 2:45pm
Over 3,000 eggs!!!
25-29th: KCS Spring Break
April Events:
1st: Board of Education online transfer
21st: CLC will CLOSE 2 hours early (4:00pm) for employee training.

May Event:
6th- 10th: National Teacher Appreciation Week
10th: Muffins for Moms
12th: Happy Mother's Day
13th: CLC Closed - "National Day without Childcare" - Park Party at The Rock from 11am-2pm
27th: CLC Closed - Memorial Day
30th: (Graduation Day for our KCS PreK @ 12:30pm) and last day of school
June Events:
14th: Donuts for Dads
16th: Happy Fathers Day

July Events:
4th and 5th - CLC CLOSED to celebrate Independence Day
August Events:
9th: KCS Open House at CLC at 11:00am
TBA: KCS Students First Day

September Events:
October Events:

November Events:
28th - 29th: CLC Closed forThanksgiving Holiday

December Events:
20th: Visit from SANTA and our Pre-K Christmas Performances beginning at 2:45pm
24th-25th: CLC Closed Christmas Holiday
31st - January 1st 2025: CLC Closed New Years Holiday

The Itsy Bitsy Spider
2nd: CLC Closed for Labor Day
10th: Happy Birthday CLC 17 Years!!
est. 09/10/2007
31st: Halloween Celebration at 2:45pm